Республика Казахстан,
Алматы, пр. Аль-Фараби,
БЦ «Нурлы Тау», блок 1Б, офис 401

Smoke filtration

Industry: energy


– flue gases


– the need to install an aspiration system for the waste incineration line

Technological equipment:

– waste incineration line

Services and equipment:

– development of solutions

– design

– heat-insulated housing bag filter, capacity 330,000 m3/h

– fans

– commissioning works

In the waste incineration process, there is always an acute issue of filtering smoke, which may contain substances difficult to filter with bag filters, as well as toxic substances, but this has never been a problem for TAMA filters.

Applied solutions and equipment

Filtration: TAMA engineers introduced technology for filtering flue gases generated during the combustion of household waste. The filter has been designed in a modular design to simplify logistics and ease of installation.

Safety: The flue gas filtration system was equipped with a recreational tower and a sorbent supply system to reduce toxic emissions.


Efficiency: the filtration system, based on the TAMA bag filter, allowed for a high level of filtration and ensured the possibility of emissions purified into the atmosphere, completely safe for the environment.

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