Республика Казахстан,
Алматы, пр. Аль-Фараби,
БЦ «Нурлы Тау», блок 1Б, офис 401

Bag filters NS for transfer points in elevators

Industry: agricultural


– corn

– malt

– barley

– rapeseed

– sunflower seed


– release of large amounts of dust at transfer points

– explosion hazard

Technological equipment:

– elevators

– belt conveyors

Our services and equipment:

– development of solutions

– design

– point bag filters TAMA NS

– MZ Aspiratori fans

– installation work

– commissioning works

– certification of systems

– service

An integral part of each granary is a transport system with bucket elevators and belt conveyors. A large amount of dust is constantly generated at transfer points, which leads to problems with the operation of transport equipment and the formation of an explosive atmosphere.

The BAUFLEX-engineering solution, agreed with the customer, was to install local aspiration systems based on point filters. The installation of local aspiration systems made it possible to implement the project in a short time and solve all the problems that the client had.

Applied solutions and equipment

Filtration: TAMA NS point aspiration filters eliminated the need for air ducts and transport equipment for the aspiration system, which significantly reduced the cost of the project. The main feature of the point filter is the return of the product directly into the technological process, which eliminates the loss of product weight during shipment.

Performance: The MZ Aspiratori centrifugal fan ensured low system energy consumption, high aspiration system performance and effective dust removal.

Safety: the explosion-proof design of the filter ensures complete safety of operation of the aspiration system with explosive dust.


An aspiration system that solves many problems.

Efficiency: installing a local aspiration system solved dust problems, eliminated product losses and reduced project costs by eliminating the need for air ducts and transport equipment.

Safety: reducing the explosive concentration of dust in transport equipment has significantly reduced the likelihood of a dust explosion and increased the safety of the enterprise.

Reduced losses: reducing the weight loss of the shipped product in the form of dust, reduced financial losses and increased profits.

General: cleanliness of process equipment is always a big plus, eliminating problems associated with dust in the equipment and significantly reducing operating and maintenance costs.

At the moment, the aspiration system has been in operation for more than 3 years, and shows high dust removal efficiency, low operating costs and reduced financial losses.

Разработаем индивидуальное техническое решение для аспирации вашего технологического процесса

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